getup demanding an apology

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    ABC Online...
    GetUp has written to the Senate demanding an apology from a Liberal senator who compared the political lobby group with the Hitler Youth.

    The Senate today passed a Government motion to guillotine debate on its carbon bills so they can be passed next Tuesday.

    During debate on the motion, Senator Ian Macdonald labelled GetUp the "Hitler Youth wing of the Greens' political movement".

    Senator Macdonald has been roundly condemned by Labor and the Greens over the exchange with Greens Senator Christine Milne.

    "Senator Macdonald referred to the young people involved as Hitler's Youth. I find that extremely offensive and I ask him to withdraw," Senator Milne said.

    But Senator Macdonald did not withdraw his comment.

    "Before you take any instructions Mr President, could I suggest you hear what was actually said to Senator Milne and I repeat it now: 'GetUp is the Hitler Youth wing of the Greens' political movement' and I stand by that," he said.

    GetUp national director Simon Sheikh says the comments are abhorrent and offensive.

    "We've written to the Senate Privileges Committee today requesting a formal apology from the Senator in question," he said.

    "We think that's important because it is vital that we don't trivialise this history, but frankly it's also important because GetUp members from across the country are offended by the kinds of comment being made."

    Dave R.
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