we shouldn't be surprised that labor wish to tinker with the...

  1. 1,130 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    we shouldn't be surprised that labor wish to tinker with the superannuation system AGAIN!!!

    Labor set up super, Costello made it an investment that people had to have and now labour have effed it again!!

    When you consider that they are supposedly out there batting for the average Australian can someone from the left tell me why they cut the co contribution rate from $1,500 for every $1,000 contributed to now equal $500 for every $1,000 contributed?? How is it that that helps the core group that they believe they represent (as this is only payable in full for those who earn less than approx. $31,000 p.a)

    On top of that they cut the amount that someone aged 50 and over can contribute to super to $25,000 p.a inclusive of their 9% SG. Again why reduce this limit when at the end of the day it will assist in reducing the govts commitment to the age pension.

    In short goosie and co became so obsessed with trying to achieve a smaller deficit that only resulted in this govt and future govts being responsible for funding higher levels of pensions to a greater number!! NFI any of them!!
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