giant eco steps on a small danish island

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    The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Material Profits' Sara Nunnally recently
    traveled Denmark's small island, Samso - where there is a full-blown
    Eco-Revolution underway. Read on...

    by S.R. Nunnally

    It's 8:10 p.m. Samso Time, Thursday, February 23, when the ferry pulls
    into dock at Kolby Kas after a two-hour float from Kaludborg. It's dark...
    and dusty. And cold.

    There are no streetlights between cities, I notice, as I blindly follow
    the car ahead of me to the center of the 20-mile by 6-mile island, to
    Tranebjerg and Flinch's Hotel - my home base for the next two days. The
    island feels deserted, and it is in a way... February is Denmark's coldest
    month, and many of Samso's 4,300 residents are burrowed snuggly in their
    warm homes - a stark contrast to when an influx of several tens of
    thousands visit the island during the tourist season.

    Many come in July for the popular music festival, the beautiful beaches,
    and sailing. But of late, Samso has been invaded by a different kind of
    tourist... an eco-tourist.

    That was my mission... why I traveled over 4,000 miles: to discover
    Samso's Eco-Revolution.

    In 1997, Denmark held a national competition. The selected winner would be
    home to a one-of-a-kind experiment: The winner would be expected to
    convert all its energy supply to 100% renewable energy within 10 years.

    The small island of Samso was given the nod. Because it is an island that
    has no conventional energy resources of its own, Samso was an ideal choice
    for such a controlled experiment.

    Since 1998, Samso began converting its energy into renewable energy, and
    has been so successful that 100% of its electricity comes from wind power
    and 75% of its heat comes from solar power and biomass energy.

    That's a near total Eco-Revolution...but it gets better.

    Here's how they do it...

    Think of the amount of time that wind turbines have been around... and
    multiply that by 40.

    According to the Danish Wind Industry Association, wind turbines and wind
    mills have been "a part of the northern European landscape for more than
    800 years." Now, wind power makes up approximately 20% of Denmark's power
    consumption... and that's with Danish wind manufacturers selling 90% of
    their production outside of the country.

    Germany is the largest buyer of Danish wind turbines snatching up 24% of
    exports, and Spain comes in second with 10.5%. Big numbers for big
    markets. In total, Danish manufacturers held 40% of the world market for
    wind turbines.

    That equates to over DKK21 billion, or nearly $3.4 billion here in the
    U.S. - about 1.8% of Denmark's GDP.

    With power like that, wind is like Denmark's new currency.

    Samso has taken the torch and has really shown the world what wind power
    can do.

    With the completion of an offshore wind farm comprised of 10 beautiful
    turbines, Samso has become carbon neutral. The energy produced by these
    wind turbines compensates for the island's transportation emissions,
    including the ferries, and all other non-renewable energy sources.

    In fact, sometimes Samso's wind turbines produce so much energy that the
    island sells it back to the mainland!

    But wind power isn't the only thing that's super-charging Samso's

    On Samso, it's much more effective to use solar power for heating. Because
    of the expense of solar modules, the island has put them to use in a
    "collective" environment. Instead of installing solar arrays on individual
    homes for electricity, Samso uses solar power for heat at its district
    heating plants.

    District heating plants pump hot water to nearby homes for individual
    heating purposes. The water is heated using a combination of solar panels
    and renewable wood pellet or straw-furnaces.

    Studies have shown that it's about 20% cheaper get heat from the local
    district heating plants than it is to buy oil for heat.

    There are about 250 homes that have installed solar cells for heating
    their own water tanks in instances where they reside too far from the
    district heating plant. In total, Samso is pushing past the 75% renewable
    mark when it comes to heat energy needs.

    By combining solar power with local, renewable, biofuel, Samso has
    custom-tailored a renewable energy program that is simple and highly
    effective. Solar panels are so efficient that on a cloudy winter day, it
    can heat the water to 25 degrees above freezing on its own.

    With only 25% of heat energy derived from fossil fuels, Samso's well on
    its way to achieving 100% renewable status ahead of schedule.

    There's only one sector left to tackle, and it might prove to be the most

    Samso's Eco-Revolution is in danger of stalling... so the many naysayers
    say. Every critic of Samso's progress ritualistically cites transportation
    as the missing cog in the otherwise praiseworthy renewable energy system.

    Well, they'll be eating their foot once Samso's new projects have been put
    into place.

    The experts on Samso will by applying two radically different concepts to
    tackle the transportation problem.

    The first project is a biofuel: rapeseed oil.

    Rapeseed oil can be used to fuel any vehicle once a simple adaptation is
    made to the engine. It is cleaner than ethanol, and does not need to be
    refined in a clunky, energy-consuming refinery. That wouldn't be practical
    for this small island.

    All that you need to make your own biofuel is rapeseed, and a rapeseed
    press... and cows to eat the waste. Once pressed, the oil can be put
    directly into your fuel tank.

    The island can grow approximately 600 hectares of rapeseed a year. That's
    not enough to run every car, but it's definitely enough to take car of the
    largest diesel guzzlers: farm tractors and ferrys.

    To eliminate the rest of transportation's oil consumption, Samso wants to
    introduce a hydrogen plant, powered by all that excess wind power. That's
    a few years down the road, but in the meantime, the Energy and Environment
    Office wants to put a hydrogen-fueled truck on display at its new Energy
    Academy upon its completion.

    The hydrogen truck, designed by H2 Logic Alps, would be a demonstration
    piece to start generating interest in this new, renewable fuel. Samso is
    planning on banning traditional combustion engines from the island once
    vehicles are converted to hydrogen.

    Generating community interest has been a key way of developing projects
    and increasing investors. Samso's Energy and Environment Office was so
    successful because it offered more than just a great chance at a return on

    In order for renewable energy project to survive, they needed strong
    backing from the community. In that way, Samso's success goes way beyond
    the "greening" of energy consumption. This Eco-Revolution was not only an
    environmental change.

    Samso's residents embraced a way to save their economy and improve their
    way of life.

    Through investing in co-ops that financed wind power and district heating
    plants, islanders took personal control over their quality of life. By
    introducing these renewable energy projects, Samso has created new,
    better-paying jobs, increased tourism, and added to its economy.

    "The community is more inclined to support the project because they see it
    as something that is done locally by local people. As such, people
    participate not because they are forced to by the authorities but because
    they want to," says Soren Hermansen, director of the Samso Energy and
    Environment Office, in an interview with Chan Cheng Tuan of Sunday Mail.

    Community commitment is necessary for the advancement of any project,
    which is why Samso uses many local resources like straw and wood pellets
    for the district heating plants. Soon rapeseed will be added to that

    Residents want to see Samso succeed, and understand that by participating
    in the islands renewable energy projects the whole island benefits.


    S.R. Nunnally
    for The Daily Reckoning
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