Giants in the Bible, page-71

  1. 10,449 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2070
    Who gives a crap what is fake and what is not, fakes have always been used by the church religion and the government to trick people into believing that a subject like aliens UFO's and alien giants are not true, or to create something religious as true, when it is not.
    Historical antient rock drawings, statues and passed down stories show that all is true, not to mention leaked info coming from those who have worked for secret government organizations.
    It is said amongst alien investigators that the great flood was created by aliens to wipe out humans that had stolen and misused alien tech, it is also said that the great Alexandria library fire was started to burn and destroy all evidence of what truly happened during the time of other worldly beings sharing there advanced tech with humans, such information and items were said to have been passed down from those who survived the great flood, and was held in the library.
    So religious people and those working for the church can lie and trick people all they like, but we are a evolving species, most of us are not so easily brainwashed or tricked by the church and religions anymore.
    What the church and religion is doing during current times is similar to what those who took control of other people using unapproved tech during antient times before the great flood, they were wiped out for controlling other human beings, the church and religion will be next.
    The Bible and other religious books got one thing right, end of days, it is just that it will be end of days for all religion, with those left taking back control of there own lives from the God following controllers.
    Imagine how great it would be to be living in a world of freedom from brainwashers and controllers, free from religious wars and the crimes committed by religion on those who chose to not believe or follow.
    A world of free trade between a world of people who do not believe in God, a world of people who do not hate each other over religious differences.
    Religion is evil, and when end of days comes and wipes out the God worshipers from this earth, the rest of us will be able to live in harmony with love and sharing.
    So says a Seer of Enoch's teachings.
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