"Dear Julia should do what her State counterpart in Qld is...

  1. 2,780 Posts.
    "Dear Julia should do what her State counterpart in Qld is doing... working a real job for a day.... Premier Bligh has so far worked as a hospital orderly and as a checkout chick.

    This way our Illustrious Leader can stay in touch with the common folk...& can put hand on heart that she has genuine business experience..."


    I will take it that you comment is said in jest.

    The reality of the situation is, if you want to bring the failed Premier Bligh into the discussion, is that the esteemed Premier of Queensland, Bligh, chose, to attend to her frivolous, cheap political stunt as a checkout operator, instead of attending the National Police Remembrance Day Service.

    It is well known here that Bligh and Beattie don't like the police Service, but I would have thought that her position as Premier of Queensland, ensured that she would and should attend this solemn and important Memorial Service.

    I take it that all Labor supporters are proud to associate themselves with that sort of neglect of public duty for cheap political reasons?


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