stateswoman - ("she's" not one).yes I know the typos -...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    stateswoman - ("she's" not one).

    yes I know the typos - apologies. but my fingers are wearing out - they're down to the first knuckle now - and no, I'm no Larry Pickering. (Will his site survive the onslaught of his enemies?)

    And, if HC would let me put up my own advertising, I could get paid for this. (The support cheques I thought Tony'd send are sadly never in evidence!). hahahahaha!

    I don't flatter myself with the self-description "patriot". However, I, and so many true blues on here - (And that doesn't mean, necessarily "born here") - we actually DO give a damn about just where it is our country's headed under the weight of this unspeakably horrific outrageously poor excuse for a "government". And we are willing to put our own time and effort into putting up our opinions. The majority in civil debate form, for all the red-necked kiddy stuff. I'm not perfect. Who is. But with NO opinions, what are we all otherwise - if we sit here on our hands and watch - and say/do nothing?

    And we are asking - how long can this tragic farce go on - and what ARE our investigative, law-making, and judicial systems doing about any or all of the now numerous allegations raised?

    Absolutely zilch, it seems. Which leads on - ever onward - to even more new unanswered questions. I'm exhausted. More from other life issues I have to deal with - mine and others'. But let's never give up. To me - it's a fight for Australia.
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