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    PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has beaten Tony Abbott once before, and she can do it again, senior Labor minister Bill Shorten says.

    Mr Shorten on Monday dismissed the latest Fairfax Media/Nielsen poll which showed 62 per cent of voters would prefer a Kevin Rudd-led Labor Party against 31 per cent for Ms Gillard.

    Less than six months before the election, the same survey also showed Labor's primary vote in the doldrums at 31 per cent, with the coalition on a steady 47 per cent.

    But Mr Shorten said he supported Ms Gillard and her ability to win the poll "that counts" in September.

    "In the 2010 election, Julia Gillard did better than Tony Abbott, at the next elections Julia Gillard will do better than Tony Abbott," he told reporters in Canberra.

    Voters would choose the political party taking action on the issues that matter to Australian households, such as education, fair workplaces and care for people with disability.

    Mr Shorten said Labor ticked all those boxes.

    "The issues that matter to Australian households ... is not the Nielsen poll," he said.

    Immigration minister Brendan O'Connor said governments always faced challenging times when implementing reforms, but believed voters would cast their ballots "on the real decisions, "not the circus".
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