Like a pair of recalitrant spoilt brats, Gillard and Conroy have...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Like a pair of recalitrant spoilt brats, Gillard and Conroy have set themselves on this course, and the rest of us can get "lost" (the polite version).

    Gillard's hysterical abusive performance in Parliament yesterday was an absolute disgrace. She's not a Prime Minister's bootlace! No class - just spitting out nasty spite and meanness to any naysayers, and a determination to have her own way at all costs, to the detriment of Australia's financial future, and therefore all of us.

    The worst problem Australia now faces, in this example of white elephant spending fiasco, is that Windsor, Oakeshott,
    Katter, Wilkie, and Bandt are now bound to her like glue, whether they like it or not. Therefore they will ALWAYS vote on her side, regardless.

    With what has happened in Victoria, and the ousting of the only Independent here in a huge swing against him (he was a Labor favorite too - in fact, he helped get THEM in here)
    these FIVE Amigos now daren't go against the shrewish Gillard! If they do, this Government could be brought down suddenly, and they know full well they each will be voted out of office! And so another cushy three years sitting on their backsiodes just having to vote yes to everything Gillard puts up will be out the door with them - and they
    will be out of jobs.

    Katter's son then may NOT inherit HIS seat! Windsor would lose out on another three years cushy salary, and three years more Superannuation contributions, as he will retire before next election, as he knows he's finished anyway.
    Oakeshott, now with four children, would also be voted out by HIS constituency, and be out of a job.
    Bandt would lose HIS seat next time around without the
    Liberal's preferences, which (sadly) got his win in his seat of Melbourne over the Labor candidate who wuld have won it otherwise (a huge mistkae by the Liberals in hindsight!), and Wilkie, who is really a Green, would also lose his seat without the preferences HE got in by.

    Let's look at it in review! Not ONE of the above five has made any issue about, or demaded to see and be able to analyze, a cost analysis, or a business plan, for this hare-brained NBN scheme which will cost the rest of us up to $70 million!!! Now doesn't that tell you that they are only thinking of themselves - NOT US!!???

    During the 17 days of farce after the Federal election, when four of them (Bandt was already in Labor's bag) all pulled a huge con stunt on us and pretended to be making up their minds? Windsor made a HUGE fuss and flurry over Abbott's non-release of his costings. The, the minute he had them to hand (and he's no expert on economics!) he rushed off squealing to the media that there was a "black hole".

    Yet NOW, he's completely unconcerned about examaning any detail whatever about Labor's plans to hit the public for 20 or 30 years for this gargantuan cost for some updated pharaphenalia which will be outdated in ten years??

    Even Katter "could't be bothered" to read the 400 pages they were given!

    And Australia is now being RULED by these five miscreants!

    Plus Gillard has caved in to the Greens with a formally
    drawn up alliance/Coalition, and now has to kow-tow to the REAL Prime Ministee of Australia, Bob Brown???

    Ratyher than argue the pros and cons of the NBN, any Australian patriot should be up in arms about thwe situation as it stands above. Because ut is very very dangerous now.

    We have a tyranical Prime Minister, backed in any voting outcomes she wants to dictate by the above 5 men, PLUS she has to implement Greens policies into our lives to keep onside with Boib Brown and his cohorts.

    There is NO WAY any of these people will dare vote against her. She has them in a trap - a very clever trap - whereby if they dare to vote against her, and a no confidence motion gets up, then they are out of a job.

    And we, the public, have been had - and hoodwinked - and have to sit by and watch her for the next three years do what she ruddy well likes - and SPEND what she ruddy well likes - HOW she likes - and can do nothing???

    We have 6 little men running us, our economy, and our futures. And we call this a democracy?

    The people voted and spoke clearly at the last Federal election as to what they wanted - but she, with no mandate, and the help of her faceless overlords, and the above 6 alleged traitors to Australia, now rules the roost and will do exactly WHAT she likes. We now have NO voice.

    A very very frightening situation. This is how dictatorships are born. When the people are denied their rights, and are voiceless, via despotic manouverings such as Gillard is engaged in.

    You can all argue the merits or not of NBN as you like. It is pointless. A waste of time. You and your families are about to be bled dry financially by this awful, highly dangerous woman on the loose!

    I am disgusted, horrified, and at a loss to see any way she can be got rid of. Short of waiting through the next three gruesome years, and SHE is the wrecker - not anyone else. She will go down in history as Australia's worst Prime Minister - she'll make Whitlam look positively great.

    Australia is in deep deep trouble - and there is no way out. Gillard is now a dictator - like it or lump it!
    And Conroy's not far behind - with his obbsession about this gold-lined NBN big spend.

    She's holding us all to ransom. I'm getting that way I don't care any more, because talking will not get us out of her toxic clutches! We can talk till we're blue in the face - and what can WE do! If I see her now I switch off.
    How she got voted in I'll never know. In the light of the Victorian result, she would have been voted out if a Federal election were held know. So many people loathe her - and are a wake-up to her and her lust for power at all costs.

    We are hogtied - the helpless victims of these five weak men who are only interested in themselves - plus Bob Brown and his loony tunes. And not a darn thing we can do about it.

    The public to me is now like a chookyard - a lot of cackling chooks - with Gillard throwing us an occasional
    handful of seed - if she remembers we exist.

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