Gillard demands apology!, page-48

  1. 47,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    LJsilver, Tony Abbott made a lot more than three promises and everyone knows it despite the removal of his pre-election speeches from the Liberal Party website.

    The only ones that matter are the ones that makes a difference to our quality of life - his great big promises of "NO Cuts-Cuts-Cuts, NO new taxes, NO tax increases, a calm and stable government with the adults in charge".

    Abbott's latest concealed decision to break his great big promise to tackle tax avoidance is also slowly filtering through to the public. It further exposes his rotten and deceitful agenda to transfer wealth from those who have little of it to those who have most of it.

    Sacking 3,000 ATO workers and watching the ATO lose its $882m case against the Murdoch media's QCs may have escaped your attention; it has not been lost on mainstream Australians hearing all those calls for increasing the GST and who know what he did to the fuel excise etc.
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