gillard government is toxic

  1. 5,033 Posts.

    The Gillard government is toxic and is detrimental to Australia's future prosperity. Why?

    - they are completely unaccountable for their spending habits - debt is being racked up at an unsustainable rate;
    - defence has been cut so that we are completely reliant on America;
    - carbon tax - this places our industries at a competitive disadvantage relative to our competitors;
    - corruption - their behavior results in the community thinking their standards are the norm and are acceptable in a civilised society;
    - nepotism - they appoint their friends and associates to the highest echelons of our society (both figure heads and legal system);
    - they are comprised of ex-union hacks or their associated laywers who have no real business experience or competence;
    - they take short term politically expedient decisions consistent with their superficial self interest rather than a long term position aimed at benefiting the country in the long term.

    I could go on and on. However the faster this nasty incompetent corrupt government is removed the better it will be for this nations long term prosperity.

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