gillard has a good memory, page-51

  1. 509 Posts.

    I am not rewriting history at all. I think that you have taken the comment about the mining boom out of context

    "In 1973, there was the first oil shock, which lead to a stockmarket collapse, and the end of a mining boom (it was really a stockmarket boom) in australia".

    I simply referred to an end of a mining boom 1n 1973- which started in 1969 - well, that was really an extension of a boom which started in 1966 - when western mining found nickel at kambalda. Also in 1966, the iron ore mines in the pilbara started to export iron, from mt newman, tom price and goldsworthy. The development of those mines would have had flow through effects through the rest of the country.

    Your comments about the phone are ridiculous. certainly, not many people had a phone - but that is technology, and just like computers, it takes time, before everybody sees the need to have a phone - which would be a function of cost. It might be an idea, to compare phone usage in europe in 1966.

    Your comments about low low wages, is also a bit off the mark - a man could raise a family (wife and three kids), on a single wage. The houses may have been modest , but the rate of home ownership was very high

    You talk about "pathetic liberal mates", but you forget the strangle hold that the unions had in western australia (and probably the rest of australia). Strikes were called over the most ridiculous issues. The wharves were controlled by the unions - and people who got jobs on the wharves, had an incredibly cushy job.

    Wages in Australia, were better than european wages at the time
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