gillard interview on 3aw neil mitchell, page-24

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Kingrichard thinks JG is a "basically decent person".

    Any "basically decent person" would resign from politics rather jump through the dirty hoops Gillard does for her various controllers - what - delberately lying to a nation a few days out from an election?

    This shows an element of desperation in wanting power whatever it costs! Or by whatever means it takes. And this is not an admirable trait in anyone, man or woman.

    If she was made to do this by some string-puller, then more shame on her for not having the pride, and the integrity, to refuse, and to go to an election on her own terms and principles.

    Surely THOSE are the traits that we want, and should be demanding, of any leader. I for one am sick of all these also rans stuffing up our nation.

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