gillard late for costello debate

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    Gillard late for Costello debate

    November 21, 2007

    A WELCOME torrential downpour in Melbourne failed to dampen a lively open-air debate between loyal deputies Peter Costello and Julia Gillard carried on radio this morning.

    ABC Melbourne talkshow host Jon Faine hoped to make the most of a half-hour head-to-head between the federal Treasurer and the deputy opposition leader in a broadcast from the city's Federation Square.

    But maintaining the growing trend of politicians turning up late for public debates, Ms Gillard did not clock in until 8.46am AEDT - a full 16 minutes after Mr Costello arrived.

    The deputy Labor leader - who was travelling in from Melbourne's outer western suburbs, where her Lalor electorate is located - blamed the inclement weather for turning city-bound highways into "car parks".

    Mr Costello made the most of the empty stage to spruik the Coalition's economic and climate change credentials, as well as promoting state-based issues.

    To a polite round of applause from a small crowd braving the rain, Mr Costello said the people of Australia expected the commonwealth to step in from time to time because "state services were lacking".

    After Ms Gillard finally arrived, the remaining 14 minutes were little more than a contest of who could talk the most or the loudest over the other.

    Given the opportunity to ask each other a question to wrap up the live debate - Ms Gillard was asked about being an economic conservative and Mr Costello about when he would become prime minister - both fudged their way through vague responses.

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