One post PM office not enough - Gillard and Rudd comlain. And so...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    One post PM office not enough - Gillard and Rudd comlain. And so they've applied for same. TWO offices each! With all the associated trappings of staff, services, transport, etc.

    Office Works will be chuffed!

    MS. Gillards' former home in Altona now up for Auction soon.
    Having had a very extensive face lift - refurbishing, looks seem to allege - as sticky beak floods saw on "Open House" yesterday. All the obsequious masses. (One woman mewling - I'd pay $800,00 for this - it's SO wonderful!) When the reserve is 6 ish, or maybe 7ish).(Wonder who paid for that? Not taxpayers. I hope).

    Off the hog comes into this somewhere. Others might care to elaborate.

    And these two, I allege, lurking in the background, absolutely delighted - that Australia's now the subejct of street thugs abuse - in Jakarta - and "THEIR" good old ABC - is using it so effectively (their revealed spyings) against their Number One much hated foe, Tony Abbott.

    Some of my family are, at present, looking seriously at cancelling a planned vacation to Bali at Christmas. Next thing, there may be bombs!

    Thanks Mr. Rudd, Ms. Gillard, Mr. Scott, YOUR ABC - and the legions of Leftist journalists/commentators, all delighted that Australia has been dumped in it - and happy to blame Abbott for events 4 years old, happening under Rudd/Gillard.

    The enemies within.

    And now the GG - rats on the required strict political impartiality of her office - to prop up her son-in-law, and to (also) put the boots into Abbott.

    The Liberal Nats WON the last election - by a vast majority. But who would think it - the traitors have broken out.

    Ecstatic that their country is being insulted, demeaned and defamed - this Leftist rabble fanning the flames.

    Gillard and Rudd are despicable in their smug combined hatreds. Acting as if they were the entirely innocent angels - glad to make Abbott the scapegoat.
    Shorten and his Mum-in-law too. And that's praising them up. What a revolting lot!

    Thank God for Australia these two PM's are both gone. Though still each a hug burden on the public ourse - despite the damages each has (allegedly) wrought. Blood sucking leeches. Living off all of us - set up for the rest of their now cushy lives! If they want an extra office - let them work from their home study! As most of have to these days!

    Most cannot say on here what they really think. But believe me, the majority are now white hot angry - these two always out for themselves.

    My relative an Anzac - died young for this country, eventually - from gassing, and severe depression. Wonded three times, and each time came back from hospital in the UK - to fight again on the Western Front, after Gallipoli. And what for? For people like this? All out for themselves, NOT us!

    Indonesian street rable rent a crowd aren't the only ones spitting on the Australian flag. Our own pollies and office bearers happy to do the same here! And add the majority of left-wing journalists to that!

    Scott of the ABC madder than hell about his employees salaries being revealed. Yet happy to dob hos own country in the deep soggy do - revealing it's secrets! Just for his vitriolic one-upmanship - just to try and kick/bring down Tony Abbott.

    What, scared of privatisation,, Mr. Scott. Honey pot running out?

    And now Shorten playing his vicious games. Ignore the election result - the will of the people - and BLOCK all legislation in the Senate?

    Some patriots! No wonder we're now up to our necks in inherited financial mess - 6 years of this lot - running rampant.

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