gillard snubs senate order on nbn, page-35

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    If the alp was so convinced about the benifits to people and the increase of productivity by providing high speed broudband thay could in the time before the roll out hook people and industry up almost imediatly to high speed cable networks across the populated and industrial centers . and start the roll out in the bush ..where by the way the optic fibre cable already exists..

    As I have said before this has nothing to do with broadband productivity is all about money and politics..

    the 2011 election campain has already begun, the alp is now starting to see how many votes it can shake out of the greens..and help the vic's along the way ...once thats established ..they will give each other a hug and ..there will be a carbon scam.. the dust will settle on that and the election campain bombardment of advertising and edetorials ect ect ..will will be like nothing else before it ever..the money spent ..mostly disguised will be astromical..!!! the public will be bombarded on all flanks , never really knowing the source... beaten into submission. the alp will only of course calim a normal percentage , however it will all come from them.
    the libs haven't got a hope.
    and then we will have an alp/green both houses ..
    have a nice weekend.

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