gillard surges over abbott as preferred pm

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Seems the right wing HC pundits have no idea. They have been bellowing rubbish about Gillard day in and day out and writing her off.

    The latest Nielsen Poll indicates that Gillard has surged as preferred PM over Abbott. Gillard has jumped to 50% while Abbott has dropped to 40%.

    Julia Gillard also fares better than Abbott on approval and disapproval rating. Wow, Abbott is disapproved by a massive 60%. The HC blusterers obviously have no idea. The stuff they have been posting is just so way off the mark as to make them look foolish. Probably going to turn into stunned mullets given the trend is continuing towards Labor. Coalition still leads 52% to 48% but its getting closer.

    Looks like if its Julia versus Tony at the election it will be a close contest. IMO in the unlikely event a switch is made to Rudd versus Abbott, Rudd would win the election comfortably. Rudd as leader would see seats in Queensland retained and maybe even some gain.

    If its Turnbull versus Gillard then imo Turnbull would win comfortably.

    If its Turnbull versus Rudd then it would be a close contest.

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