gillard/swan team won't last.

  1. 10,009 Posts.
    Whilst Gillard is ruthless and has reinvented herself many times, SWAN is like having a Black snake in your sleeping back.

    She knows he is dangerous and the snake will bite her.

    Gillard will be watching Swan much closer than Abbott. She knows he is more cunning ruthless and determined than Abbott.

    This team is poisoned to start with. Most new political era's start with a fresh team. Both of these are political animals that don't trust each other.

    Going to be good to watch it all unfold. Will be the end of the Labor Party. The university eductaed elite and the unions are now so far apart in their views, thay hate each other more than they hate the Libs.

    They don;t have anything in common any more other than a lust for power and hatred of the centre. Where most Australians are politically situated.


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