Gillard the liar, page-24

  1. 5,033 Posts.
    Really dear labor lite Gneissic? You think there is nothing there? Hmm - its no wonder you support the labor lite ex union hacks there with that level of analysis.

    To help you out a little I've extracted an excellent extract of an article from the website 'kangaroo court of australia' that concisely summarises why the Gillard mess still has major problems on her useless plate. Failing to report a crime is a problem in itself (forget the fact she set up the mechanism that allowed the fraud in the first place).

    Julia Gillard has failed for 18 years to give a legitimate reason why she never made a complaint to the police in relation to the AWU fraud committed by her and her previous boyfriend Bruce Wilson. She failed again at the Royal Commission on Wednesday (10-9-14) and should be charged immediately with concealing a serious indictable offence.

    Gillard does not dispute her involvement in the fraud but says she did not do it knowingly and was deceived by Bruce Wilson and when she found out what he was up to she broke off her relationship with him. So why did she not go to the police in 1995 when the fraud and theft were discovered. There is no legal privilege stopping her as she claims she was deceived when she helped Wilson commit crimes. In that situation the crime/fraud exception rule applies which extinguishes legal privilege. Why has she not gone to the police in the last 18 years? Why has she not gone to the Victoria police who are currently investigating the fraud and have been for over 12 months?

    The only support she is getting seems to be from other fraudsters and thieves in the union/Labor Party movement. No one else wants to go near her. Commissioner Dyson Heydon who is the one who writes the report would not have missed a beat and will do nothing more than embarrass himself if he does not come down hard on Gillard in his report. Every lawyer in the country who has followed the case knows she is at least guilty of the concealment of the fraud.

    Watch the news and you will see people being charged with concealing a crime or conspiring to conceal a crime on a regular basis. Gillard should not be given special treatment. "
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