And what is labors primary Dui??? As Craig Emerson (Denben in...

  1. alh
    1,493 Posts.
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    And what is labors primary Dui??? As Craig Emerson (Denben in disguise) said, "dream on"


    Ps. While your there, here is the updated list of why you are only dreaming,

    Labor stuff ups.

    1. Carbon Tax – “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.”
    2. NBN – $50 billion but no cost-benefit analysis
    3. Building the Education Revolution – The school halls fiasco
    4. Home Insulation Plan (Pink Batts) – Dumped
    5. Citizens Assembly – Dumped
    6. Cash for Clunkers – Dumped
    7. Hospital Reform – Nothing
    8. Digital set-top boxes – Cheaper at Harvey Norman
    9. Emissions Trading Scheme – Abandoned
    10. Mining Tax – Continuing uncertainty for our miners
    11. Livestock export ban to Indonesia – Over-reaction
    12. Detention Centres – Riots & cost blow-outs
    13. East Timor ‘solution’ – Announced before agreed
    14. Malaysia ‘solution’ – Only just agreed, sort of. Gillard’s great deal for Australia, Malaysia get none, after we’’ve paid god knows what to update facilities there, and we get 4000
    15. Manus Island ‘solution’ – On the backburner
    16. Computers in Schools – $1.4 billion blow out; less than half delivered
    17. Cutting Red Tape – 12,835 new regulations, only 58 repealed
    18. Asia Pacific Community – Another expensive Rudd frolic. Going nowhere
    19. Green Loans Program – Abandoned. Only 3.5% of promised loans delivered
    20. Solar Homes & Communities plan – Shut down after $534 million blow out
    21. Green Car Innovation Fund – Abandoned
    22. Solar Credits Scheme – Scaled back
    23. Green Start Program – Scrapped
    24. Retooling for Climate Change Program – Abolished
    25. Childcare Centres – Abandoned. 260 promised, only 38 delivered
    26. Take a “meat axe”’ to the Public Service – 24,000 more public servants added
    27. Murray Darling Basin Plan – back to the drawing board
    28. 2020 Summit – Meaningless talkfest
    29. Tax Summit – Deferred and downgraded
    30. Population Policy – Sets no targets
    31. Fuel Watch – Abandoned
    32. Grocery Choice – Abandoned
    33. $900 Stimulus cheques – Sent to dead people and overseas residents
    34. Foreign Policy – In turmoil with Rudd running riot
    35. National Schools Solar Program – Closing two years early
    36. Solar Hot Water Rebate – Abandoned
    37. Oceanic Viking – Caved in
    38. GP Super Clinics – 64 promised, only 11 operational
    39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics – 12 promised, none delivered
    40. Trade Training Centres – 2,650 promised, 70 operational
    41. Bid for UN Security Council seat – An expensive Rudd frolic
    42. MySchool Website – Revamped but problems continue
    43. National Curriculum – States in uproar
    44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House – 99% of small businesses reject it
    45. Indigenous Housing Program – Way behind schedule
    46. Rudd Bank – Went nowhere
    47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms – Ditched
    48. Innovation Ambassadors Program – junked
    49. Six Submarines – none operational - yet they plan to buy 12 replacements
    50. Debt limit to be increased to $300 billion – to pay for all of this and more
    51. Craig Thomson debacle
    53.Defence Force Sex Investigation - bungled and disastrous
    54. 'Australia TV' tender - scrapped to spite Rudd after a cost of millions and another $1m settlement paid to Fox
    52. Peter Slipper to speaker debacle

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