gillard trumps abbott in popularity poll, page-32

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    don't care if alh took personal dictation from Tony Abbott -

    these vast extravaganzas and murals of power plays and egos gone mad are the elephants in the room the trendy Labor lovey Leftie Press and inner suburban childless $250,000 pa latte swillers all pretend isn't happening.
    Or try to explain away - despite the huge piles of dung.

    There's a simple message - only the Labor Party's conveniently lost their reading glasses - it is:-

    "We've had enough! We're as mad as hell - and we aren't going to take it anymore!"

    Trouble is - they've spent all of the Howard careful days ample $'s legacy - so whomever the poor sod is who has to take over - he/she faces a slogging, thankless existence. And, of course, that person will shoulder all the blame and slaggings for the left-over shambles caused by constant Labor budget bustings. Give Labor an open chequebook - they look great - as long as the monies last - but we who watch shudder.
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