gillard , you have shafted australia

  1. 813 Posts.
    I have voted in (i think ) 14 Federal elections,. Besides the tumultuos Whitlam years , Politics has been a rather staid event .

    Howard came along , we all took the piss because he resembled a chimp and was unconvincing as a leader . Were we wrong , he steered this country into prosperous times and managed the country with an even hand . Well helped by a professional Treasurer in Costello (like him/hate him , he did the job).

    They paid off Labor debt (93 Billion $'s), and managed along the way to give us yearly tax cuts and a surplus , money in the bank as well as a future fund (admittedly to pay Canberra nobs their super , but a fund anyway).

    As always happens , people get bored , they want for a change . Along comes Rudd , inexperienced , super egomaniac , thought he could rule outside the union core . Wrong ! What happens next , the Red haired, ex commo , socialist , Fabian member Gillard is thrown in our face .

    "Kevins lost his way" we hear , I can guide Australia back to the path . Yea , the path of a true socialist who hates successful people (but loves their money) . Forget about Kev's ETS " there will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" . Sure Julia , within weeks we knew your plan .

    You & Wayne hate mining magnates, why ? They hire 10's of thousands of people , they pay tax , they pay royalties , they spend on infrastructure , but you and Wayne think they threaten democracy , why ?

    You penalise high income earners by levelling "flood levies " , you take away Private Health Fund rebates , you stick it up anyone who earns over $80,000 pa with no Carbon Tax compensation , why ?

    Because you are a communist first a socialist second and an Australian last

    This country , well before your parents made the unfortunate descision to come here (for 10 pounds)was a land of free , enterprising spirits , rich in it's short history . A land drawn into conflicts with a heavy toll in blood and for what ... freedom . Freedom of speech , movement, opportunity , where everyone had a fair go . You have trashed that , you have lowered the tone of this country to a level I have never witnessed nor my father, Grandfather , Great Grandfather or my Great Great Grandfather.

    You lie upon lie and show scant regard . You show no respect to the Australian people .. LNP , Green or Labor . You say you have a vision of where "you would like to see Australia" , would you like to tell us where that is ? We would like to know , maybe we don't want to go there !

    You trash Australian Parliamentary standards by standing by Thomson , we know your ploy to expel him is crap , you need his vote . The FWA you set up , are they wrong ? Are Australians idiots , where we cannot see through his myriad of lies . Are we to accept your disgusting ploy to bring Slipper on board ? Are we to accept your stupid act by having Thomson vote with the LNP ?

    Do you really think we are all really that stupid .

    Even as a Liberal supporter i appreciate the fine Labor leaders of the past in Curtain & Chifley . Do you honestly believe for a 1 minute they would stand next to Gillard who flies in the face of everything they believed and fought for .

    Curtain died in office for Australia .

    For Gods sake Gillard just go and take your lowlife mob with you

    Please Sussex Street , make your move, anything is better than this lying hypocrite

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