
  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Now she feels herself somehow "exonerated" by the attitude expressed by the Royal Commssioner - which, I and thousands allege, was strange and ambiguous at best - Gillard is now suddenly appearing and doing "pop-ups" wherever she sees such as expedient to her own image promting - her eyes always on HERSELF.

    There she trots - visiting the rows of tributary flowers - in Martin Place - HER perogative, as a citizen - in a democracy. I allege exaggerating her role in appearing.

    But I observe - with derision - ask - did she (ever) show any such level of empathy, sympathy, let alone compassion - for the abandoned wives and children - of the families of the married men with whom she had (publicly on record) love affairs?

    God, how I hate total hypocrites and self-promoters - don't YOU? (And, one might ask - where is TIM?) Isn't he sad - too - with YOU, Ms. Gillard?

    Gillard just been appointed a Board Member of Beyond Blue. Should be called "Beyond Belief' more like it. Jeff Kennett - rude and arrogant in defending this baffling decision in a brief interview with Michael Smith - (her Dad was a phsyc nurse he opines - what the? has this to do with it??) that I totally rue the day I ever voted for Kennett. This will be the first of a legion of her Board appointments. Should wrack up more hundreds of thousands of dollars fees - for sitting on cushy leather chairs - doing not much. But poncing and preening. Add this to her existing fortune. Her current total life comfort.

    And Gillard, we're told - is to help oversee Beyond Blue finances. I think I'm moving to the South Pole. At least, there, it's pure and simple - and alleged liars, cheats and other charalatans are very thin on the ground. And no politicians.

    No Slaters and Gordons. Just peace - calm - and, one hopes, some unvarnished truths. Could get used to grilled penguin.

    How do some people sleep at night? (That pile of money, under the matresses - is no doubt a comforting bolster.)

    Anyone tell me who wrote the following - not referencing anyone living, or making any allegations against any particular individual or groups. Just general quotes? 1/ "Cheats never prosper." or "Crime doesn't pay".

    And we see Muslim MALE only bike riders today - in Sydney - bolstering this stupid "Ride with Them" rot. Note, not ONE Muslim woman - dared get out of the archaic shrouds - and get into the lycra, and pedal. The women, what - all at home - in the kitchen?

    These men telling us "we care!". If they REALLY cared about their womens' welfare, they'd demand they get out of this imprisoning rig! And ensure that they do - from tomorrow! THEY are the ones keeping them IN it - then they have the gall to ride bikes in protest! Total hypcrites themselves - THEY the religious mysognists. Pray, cook, and produce children. And shut up - do what you're told. That's the male Muslim agenda. Retreat to the upstairs room at the mosque - out of sight - you may offend us - being feminine - who cares if you can't see the Iman.And sneak off, after the service, down the back stairs. Back to the kitchen. And we are asked to show these women "respect" - when their own don't do it themselves?

    NO "HOLY" book rules women have to submit to such clothing life imprisonment. If one does - it needs to be revised and re-written! We even see the horros of little girls - 7 or 8 - confined into hi-jab. Utter child cruelty!

    Never mind - perhaps Gillard can take up this issue, too. She tells us she HATES misogny. Yet she stands by and does nothing about it. Always the populaits - and the opportunist - with her, always an ANGLE! And so she appears today.
    Better late than never. Waited to be "let off the hook", to do it.

    Please, Ms. Gillard nick off. Stop this constant poseur act. GO take coffee with Penny Wong, your town mate. Two birds of a feather. Thriving on hate, and spite.

    IS Gillard off the hook, though? Time, alone, will tell. But as we all know - the law of this land often favors the guilty - alleged murderers and their accomplices get bailed - top wigs - QC's and SC's - help them get into the High Court - our laws are often an ass.

    SO many people, "ordinary ones" - have good cases to bring - and never make it past the first interview with a Solcitior. No money - No justice to be had.

    Yes, it's all about power, status, egos, money, and who you know..(and bleeding hearts -)

    We all want a peaceful and happy Christmas. But how long will we all sit on our hands and do and say nothing? Does truth and justice take a holiday? The Legal fraternity off on their Portsea hols? I sincerely hope not.

    With Gillard - I find her totally despicable - just on her alleged faulty governance handling of this country alone - for starters - all the damage she's allegedly wrought on this country Rudd answerable too.

    But, with Gillard, I allege, then, always, it's just about HER! Populist. Not giving a damn for us.
    But I allow, the Rudd appearance day after Black Saturday at intiial relief centre was swfit, heartfelt, and he gave every indication he actually gave a stuff! He was visibly, and sincerely moved. HE hugged and comfitred people. Very spontanously and genuinely appalled at this immense tragedy.

    She, I allege, today, just publicly flaunting her new-found alleged "innocence".
    And so cynically timed.
    Last edited by iron mike: 21/12/14
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