gillardism, page-8

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    please dont let her take all the blame...
    on 2nd thoughts ... the blame should be shared equally between them
    it was rudd that started this rot, with her as 2ic...

    she was behind crean, till he was turfed, then latham, ditto, then rudd, ditto
    I think she knew she would never get in on her she backed the others, on the plan, once they got in she would turf them herself, then take the prized crown...

    she was as much to blame as rudd....
    but rudd had his own union backing, to blame it on....and he was just as disastrous, he held court with himself, most of the time, and sometimes with the gang of 4

    he did what ever he wanted to...there was no one there to stop him
    he has continued to rip off taxpayers on his luxurious vip overseas jaunts...
    who gives him the open cheque book to waste as much money as possible on...trying to buy himself a seat at the un...
    billions handed over for purportedly foreign aid...
    when we know almost none of it gets to the poor...most goes to the despots running thoss countries...

    and the best the labor supporters can come up with...
    is a return to the rudd days...of total incompetence...

    how will howes accept this, he was behind the coup to oust rudd...
    so to was smith, conroy albanese, arbib, swan...and the rest of them

    if you take away the unions, there will be no ALP...
    it is 80% union ruled,,,the rest are the poor little mushrooms...believing labor acts on their behalf..

    well they still wont accept, nor know what has happened to them...they dont take any notice of the behind the scenes news...they listen only to the media biased stuff they see for 2 wonder they are pleading for rudd to come back...they believe he did nothing wrong...
    plus they like the idea, take from the rich, give to the poor....with no input from them

    rudd has learnt no lessons...if they put him back in....he will reap havoc, knowing his team will be turfed entirely at the next election....
    he will leave an even bigger disastrous legacy...
    his pay back to all taxpayers....
    he was never there to look after you, it was all about him
    if he cannot get that UN out for another huge dummy spit
    he wants to rule the world,,,not just the pm of australia...
    he has much bigger plans....
    but most of it is in his head...alone...
    he is up against some even bigger ego's..
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