gillards assault on our fundamental freedom

  1. 46,408 Posts.

    Offending someone’s political beliefs will soon be an offence

    Your freedom “friendly” Labor government has put forward draft legislation that expands the grounds on which people can claim that they have been discriminated against.

    The daft draft legislation is 179 pages long and our Attorney-General, comrade Nicola Roxon, also wants to reverse the onus of proof meaning anyone who is accused of “discrimination” will have to prove they’re not guilty. The rights of defendants have been flushed down the toilet. The onus of proof should always be on the person making the accusation not the defendant.

    Here's the page that inserts political opinion as a new ground of discrimination. And here is the page that says anything that offends, insults or intimidates someone is now discrimination and therefore must be censored.

    Be under no illusion - the Gillard government wants to censor you from talking about politics. They also want to decide what should and shouldn’t appear in the media.

    This is a massive attack on your freedom of speech and it’s absolutely vital we fight this.

    The IPA has taken the lead on this and I urge you to read their media releases here and here. If you can support the IPA with a donation, as I do, then please do so as it’s the donated money that allows the IPA’s researchers to uncover sinister laws such as this.
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