The good thing about coming in fresh to read the papers and...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The good thing about coming in fresh to read the papers and opinion early each morning, is that it gives you a powerful first impression of how the waves of sentiment have changed overnight.

    Within five minutes of switching on this morning, it was clear as crystal that there has been a huge 'chucking-out' of all things Julia with regard to asylum-seekers. As with the old RSPT, its dead in the water. Finito, was never going anywhere. Back to taws....

    Which ever spin you put on it, Julia lost massive amount of credibility last night in the eyes of opinion-makers. The overall impression I have today is one of "Rudd in a dress".

    I've made a career of sussing out sentiment swings. Julia's honeymoon ended yesterday.
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