gillard's latest face-plant?, page-30

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    billybongo -

    How astute of you - of course it was the spirit of Abbott which tripped her up - or was it an indication of the dire kharma to come - (and it will - what goes around comes around) - she'd just been to the Ghandi monument - and bet he carries some heavenly clout - and HE can tell a fake at forty paces. Perhaps the Gods spoke!

    Now this could be seen as nasty - but "nasty" has become her second nature - it's a scenario she's most comfortable with herself. Slur, demean, and insult - at every opportunity. Even attack from thousands of miles away - absolutely pathetic - NO CLASS! Her day will come!

    we just have to wait for that day. She gone. Clear Air! HUGE celebrations!

    Mrs. Abbott Senior no longer has her motherly integrity and reputation so cheaply and cruelly degraded and demeaned by Gillard and Company, implying by defame that her son's been raised a mysogynist! (One rule for Gillard re. her Dad - another for Mrs. Abbott Snr!) OK to insult HER!

    Had to laugh today - Gillard doing sou d grab under Banyon tree - dronee drone drone usual I'll save the world myself guff - and the crows were cawing away noisily in the background. Perhaps they know something we all don't! Craw craw craw! Birds better judges of character than many of us?
    For they sounded very mocking.
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