Its funny to follow ..but the boneheads at the ALP are up too...

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    Its funny to follow ..but the boneheads at the ALP are up too there ususal shinnagians. Someone on here mentioned that gillard by her appearence had seen a ghost reciently.
    Then theres been the persian rug crew at it at the press club ..bitar or aribe ..what every there names are..
    howes , and richardson having a go too..
    and today on the ALP website ACB ..they published a lick gillard all over blog ..and then went on to publish all the negative comments about her lol you can only assume there up to something devious
    the alp's other media stable the fairfax press has just pyblished a ""Kinves out for gillard piece "" aswell ..
    my guess is thay have told her there going to give it a shot at drumming up some emotional support for her ..and if that dosen't work she's a gonna.
    however its hard to speculate with thes people there so dishonest just have to wait for the outcome ..
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