Gillian Triggs slams 'scores of laws' threatening fundamental freedoms, page-110

  1. 6,398 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    By the logic of the right-wing folks here, anybody that would check an aged, critically ill parent suffering from advanced senile dementia into hospice care is a monster unworthy to be called human. Because that's what we're talking here. Edward's syndrome is not a mild illness. It's a catastrophic disease in which > 90% never pass the age of three, and mental faculties in those who survive longer never progress past the ability to recognize faces. An individual with Edward's syndrome will never speak, never feed themselves - not (just) because they lack the physical capacity, but because they lack the mental capacity. If you would really condemn a parent for putting such a child into the care of professionals, you either suffer from a serious deficiency of empathy or you're confecting your outrage to get at a person you have other reasons for wishing to discredit. Either way, you're beneath contempt IMO.
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