Gina must be laughing, page-16

  1. 12,022 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3143
    Woke is nothing but Marxism dressed up as progressive crap. Its a threat to society and its being exposed more and more for what it is. The cancel culture trans gender BS is all part of their mind games. They hate free speech while pretending they stand for peoples rights. They do nothing for peoples rights. They are taking them away with restricted speech. That is bad. I dont think they get the longer term effects on their own children's longer term freedoms. They simply struggle with basic outcomes around cause and effect. They are anit-white promoters of shame. Give them the boot until they grow up.
    'Your soul has been constructed by social media' types need more life experience. The self delusion that they are independent thinkers is horrifying naivety. Poor kids dont know they are being used as a spear head for social change they dont even understand. They seem to have angry distorted nonsense ideas about the world with no idea. Our universities are failing with staff unable to do basic tasks in the best interest of the students. They have filling up with underachieving left wing types for generations. This is the sad result.
    Time they started a business, moved out of their parents house, started paying their own way in life, took a risk, had a family, ended their entilement thinking, or just built something worthwhile imo. You can be sure they have a strong basic demographic. Boring ticks..
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