girl chucked off west gate bridge, page-74

  1. 540 Posts.
    Drew thank you for your response I understand better your point of view and although I cant agree I can understand and respect it. I would point out that most criminological research has established that capital punishment is not a deterrent as the perpetrators are either insane or so committed to their course of action that no deterrent is effective. THere are not less murders per capita where there is capital punishment in the US states which still have it as an example. Regarding your reason that if it does deter just one person that it would be a benefit.. Equally it can be argued that to execute an innocent man is horrific and this has of course happened many times. When we talk about beyond reasonable doubt there have been many convictions held to that level of proof which have subsequently being overturned. ie murderers later to be found innocent and would be unimaginably horrible to have already executed them. I think that this is perhaps the strongest and best reason for not having capital punishment. Anyway have enjoyed our dicussion and best of luck with your trading for 09
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