Give away billion dollars with one condition

  1. 4,482 Posts.
    A free give-away of one billion dollars is waiting for anyone, no strings attached but only one condition.
    You must go to the bank with ID to pickup your cheque.
    Now the complaints start as onlookers standby in amazement.
    - Rubbish, there's no billion waiting for me.
    - There's always a condition
    - Why can't they just simply deposit it into my account.?
    - I haven't got a car to get there.
    - I'm too tired to get up and get it.
    - Why cant someone else pick it up for me.
    - Why do they need my ID ?
    - Keep you lousy billion, who needs it anyhow.
    Grandma gives granddaughter an Easter egg - cruel nasty nanna making the child take the egg from her
    Parents buy their child a car - mongrels, how dare they make the child drive to uni.
    Motorist offers a lift to a stranger - how dare they except the stranger to accept the ride.
    and the above is the same type of logic used by those who refuse Christs free gift of grace.
    The Bible teaches that ANYONE who simply places their total trust in Christ WILL spend eternity in Heaven.
    They can't and won't earn it by what they do or don't.
    They simply ACCEPT the gift by trusting Christ alone to save them.
    Now the complaints start :-
    - It's just a fairy tale.
    - if it's true why not just let everyone into Heaven.
    - Why place a condition on a free gift.
    - What kind of 'skydaddy' asks anyone to believe in anything they cant see/touch/feel.
    - etc etc etc the lame reasons just keep flowing.
    Christs gift is free, anyone simply accepts it by only placing their total trust in Him.
    Don't like that condition ?
    That's your choice, you are choosing to reject eternity with Him so your wish will be granted.

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