Give ScoMo a break, page-52

  1. 87,235 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I'm assuming that you are replying to my post???????????

    as far as 'base' goes ------------------- what's clear to me is that both parties have the same 'base' these days

    what's missing is that neither party can have any policies at all that fit us nicely into the future -

    because Australians are too fearful of change - even when it's coming and they should prepare

    Labors 'traditional' base is disappearing in form - as in - workers

    but, the actual base - the people are still there

    but, yes, I would agree that Liberals 'traditional' base is there - because it's made up of people as well

    actually - none of that makes much sense I guess ----------- what I mean is that none of our parties now fits --

    the entire ground has shifted under all of us ---------- what we need if we are to have 'party' -

    is all parties would have to be progressive ------------------- how could they be anything other in a period of ultra high speed change


    we have a Labor party traditionally based on human labour - which is disappearing

    and, we have a Liberal conservative party - principled on small government and non interference in business - an impossibility in rapid technological change

    neither of them fit - they are both round pegs in square holes

    Labor has shifted massively from being a party just for workers rights - which is why I say - they have begun a transition

    the Liberals - they haven't shifted one iota

    we shall see where we go - personally - I think they are both extinct atm - they just don't know it

    overall - they are both lost because even if they knew policies to bring in to take us to where we ARE going -like it or lump it

    Aussies won't vote for it - because they want to believe that the ground they are on will not change ---------- they are just refusing to believe it

    even thought the freight train of progress is hurtling towards us - we are just refusing to move out of the way and prepare
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