give us our own laws, say islamic leaders , page-54

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    * islam is bad
    * Obama is bad
    * anyone critical of Israel is bad
    * lots of references to Andrew Bolt.

    So expressing the realities of the realities as you described them is "fear and hate?"

    Fistly I speak ponly of the excesses o f ismlam and if you sont think that they are
    a. bad and
    b. woirth mentioning

    well I guess you deserve what coming

    Obama has been an unmitigated disaster as a Pres and is destined to be a one term failure. Whether you look at foreign policy or an even a worse management of an economy than their counterparts on the Left here in Oz he's a dead socialist walking

    and again if speaking about that is somehow bad - me bad.

    Criticism of Israel isnt bad. Demonising her is, Boycotting her here because of some lunatic agenda is. Again, if pointing that out (aside from offering some balance to the one-sided often maniacal debate surrounding her) then again, mea culpa.

    And Andrew Bolt runs rings around almost every other journo in this pathetic thing we call the media here in Oz.

    More like a Labor fan club led by the likes of the ABC (now there's a waste of space and money) and the ol apologist himself, Laurie Oakes

    So bad.

    Didnt ya like my new car????
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