From week one of the Sydney Covid outbreak, Daniel Andrews, an...

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    From week one of the Sydney Covid outbreak, Daniel Andrews, an old hand in lockdows, said Gladys lost control of the situation in NSW.
    After 6 weeks, it seems he is right.

    The Premier of NSW is a clever popular operator, but she is becoming stubborn and thin skinned making mistakes one after another..

    2 summers ago she overlooked the dangerous push to backburn the bush in unsuitable weather conditions. We all know what happened, backburning started bush fires that spread over NSW and adjacent states for weeks killing australians and destroying enormous amount of properties.

    Same thing is happening with the Pandemic..
    she is overlooking and snubbing calls for a ring of steel. Or a circuit breaker as called by the Feds.
    she opted to push vaccination and testing. And impose a blanket lockdown that is proving ineffective and dangerous.
    After 6weeks of solitary confinement, I got up this morning and watched on TV how my fellow Australians in WA and particularly NT are basking in the sun in total freedom..I nearly cry seeing them attending festivals and BBQing on the beach. Drinking and cheering together..
    then 11am the Hazard came on with the worst numbers and bad news so far. . He told me and viewers it is our responsibility to end the lockdown.. yes and Stay home and get vaccinated..yeah and to make me feel better he said Canterbury Bankstown is responsible for most infections and the spread of the virus...

    Great so what you going to do Mr Hazard?
    pussy foot with ethnic communities and allow the virus to spread and lockdown to last 6 months. Or put a ring of steel even a curfew around these areas and introduce mandatory testing and snuff out the virus..
    At the moment the Pandemic in NSW and now VIC is becoming that of multiculturalism and not that of the unvaccinated.

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