g'day re:reports and recordings of peculiar earth noisesnothing...

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    reports and recordings of peculiar earth noises

    nothing to worry about, its natural

    sinkholes appearing in many unexpected places

    from all the extra rain and mining

    when miners make caverns they eventually collapse, many countries mined dry eons ago

    it could spell the end of the PTB,

    yes they think bunkers are safe but dont realise new weapons will ruin the party, e.g. HARRP's 1st targets will be bunkers

    bunker banker

    an overpopulated world with religion and nukes etc.. the result is a huge population reduction sooner rather than later

    we will get what we deserve

    it will fix the co2 problem and forge our spirit to want peace in our next lives

    fear wont help, only logic will
    be like Kirk and Spock as one ;)

    we reincarnate in what we made

    traces of ancient nuclear war (isotopes and vitrified rocks/sand) can be found in 50 odd places on earth, most deserts are started from nuke wars, man has been on earth for 20 million years, the Atlantis/MU war was fought with guided kamikaze asteroids that wiped the slate clean, earth was a prison for advanced societies who banish as they dont kill

    i know what i say will be dismissed by most, its for those who know deep down its true, man is ancient, the universe is not sterile its wild, the gods where men like you but had ufo's and shit, since religion was formed the prime directive applies as religion is more dangerous than nukes, the fanatics cant get loose on the cosmos, star men are as gullible as earth men

    Tunguska was a space ship self destructing with all hands for breaking the prime directive 4000 souls onboard

    our ancestors help by sending prophets throughout history who re-incarnate here


    goto Spirit lessons and contact reports

    ask your spirit to be released from confusion
    and ask it for the Truth and light

    i know its not for everybody and i must respect that
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