Global Cooling?, page-96

  1. 42,758 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    I feel rather proud to be a selfish old fart.

    Yes, I'm selfish... I want my grand-daughter to have a good life and she and my other children etc are vital to me... its all about what I want so I work hard to provide for those I love. I also want every child to have a good, safe and healthy future. I'm selfish because I happily pay taxes and work toward ameliorating and mitigating against the effects of global warming to ensure the betterment of the world and our nation. FYI all altruism can be traced back to selfishness.

    Yes, I'm old and I'm proud that I have survived as long as I have despite starting life when around 20% of new births resulted in fatality within the first year of life. And, despite being a Ratbag, I have almost died several times but the medical and surgical sciences have enabled me to recover. The health care of our nation was quite difficult in the 40-60s. It have been old people who have enabled you too to survive. So I'm appreciative of the amazing achievements of my elders and betters.

    And Yes, I'm a farty - just like you and everybody else, I fart. I'm proud to fart because it is a function of life and I love life.

    Nelson, I appreciate that you are very angry because of deficiencies of some older than you. But you would not be alive without the achievements of those who are older than you and global warming too would already be much worse than it presently is without the achievements of people who are older than you.

    Please consider how fortunate you are to be alive and in a world where more than 90% of govts have been taking actions to reduce ghg emissions for around 20 years. Yes its not enough and Govts such as our Lib/Nat coalition are fighting against taking action on AGW. As I wrote above, it is senseless and inappropriate to generalise. You are blaming a sector who are older than you. How silly is this. How childish. Blaming achieves nothing.

    May I suggest that you do as I've done, use your own resources to better our nation and appreciate the good things you have to enable you to do the good you can do. Without the achievements of people older than you, you would not be in a position "To Take other peoples' Money". And from this, it is You who are selfish and not those you accuse of selfishness.

    Now Put some PVAs on your rentals and help the poor before you post again.

    Oh and learn to respect others who've given so much to enable you to be.

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