Thanks Pig Head.Its always refreshing to be reminded how stupid...

  1. 10,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Thanks Pig Head.

    Its always refreshing to be reminded how stupid some people who consider themselves to be smart in actual fact are.

    The fact that hunger has declined over decades is correct, but infering that a trend will continue based solely on the unstoppable continuation of the trend is a piece of logic that the rest of your pontificating would suggest was even something you could manage.

    Area of agricultural land per person has been declining for some decades now. In the face of a variety of productivity increases in food production global production has failed in almost every year of the last two decades to even keep pace with increase in demand.

    as a result key reserves of global grain have been in continuous decline for nearly every year of that period until this year grain reserves have plumbed depths not seen for 30 years.

    This is not principally drought inspired.

    It is caused by a perfect storm of population growth, changing food consu,ption (most significantly linked to increasing wealth in several major population countries with burgeoning 'middle classes' (or what passes as middle classes there) ie India and China et al.

    Even genetic modification has proven to be only an incremental boost to overall productivity levels.

    The outcome of all this is that weather induced reductions in productivity are only enhancing a trend that is already well established. Worsening it.

    The speed with which your 'facts' and 'trend' can now change are likely to be staggeringly fast, hastened by the huge redirection of foodstuffs into biofuels (from a relatively static or declining production land base.)

    One good crop failure in major production region - Canada for example.

    It took a perfect series of cropping seasons gloablly three seasons ago JUST to be able to match demand for that one year.

    Lies, damn lies and statistics. Even numbers need some lateral thinking to prove the reader is actually intelligent.
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