Australia contributes very little to the pollution that gives rise to global warming. Yet, Australia has dropped Her pants yet again while other nations in the region enjoy the benefits of what Australia has surrendered.
How anyone can think that by Australia cutting back on its emissions will in any way shape or form even begin to offset the pollution spewing into the atmosphere from other countries such as China, India, and other developing nations is nuts.
Pumping our pollution into the ground is a waste, when there are other solutions that could be implemented now to provide base load such as nuclear. Yet all we hear is talk about more wind farms, and solar panels. It has been shown that they will not be able to provide reliable base load.
Clean coal is analogous to clean cigarettes. What do you do with the highly toxic outputs from the cleaning of the coal? Radioactive coal is currently being burned in Australian power stations as there are no restrictions preventing them from doing so.
You wouldn’t be able to build a nuclear power station on land next door to a coal fire power station as the ground would probably be too radioactive.
There is too much hypocrisy and too much political correctness being pushed on us regarding this issue yet everyone wants a big screen TV, air-conditioning and desal plants. Demand for energy is only going to grow globally especially with one third of the world using three quarters of the energy currently being produced globally. Do the math its not that hard.