global warming believers are feeling the heat, page-13

  1. 436 Posts.
    there are so many contradictions in that verbal diahhrea that I don't even know where to begin!

    I don't even have to take a position on climate change. The contradictions are contained within James' own logic!

    Let's just take the first paragraph....

    On Friday the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivers its latest verdict on the state of man-made global warming. Though the details are a secret, one thing is clear: the version of events you will see and hear in much of the media, especially from partis pris organisations like the BBC, will be the opposite of what the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report actually says.

    Apparently James thinks that even though the "details are secret" he KNOWS that the BBC report "will be the opposite of what the IPCC's Fifth.... actually says"

    Is this for real?

    How can he claim the details are secret and then claim that the BBC's reporting of the (secret) details will be incorrect?

    They are two mutually exclusive statements
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