Dave, maybe stop the childish taunts, you are only embarrassing...

  1. 1,020 Posts.
    Dave, maybe stop the childish taunts, you are only embarrassing yourself, no one else is getting hot under the collar.

    You don't have a team? Rudd/Labor flying? YOU call it how you see it.

    Alright Dave, time to lay it on the table for all to see, stop the ridiculous commentating and give some honest "how you see it" responses. I would like you to answer honestly how you rate Rudd's performance on these topics.

    1) Kyoto
    2) ETS, still extremely keen to push it through by 2010.
    3) War in Iraq
    4) National broadband roll out that was meant to have commenced long ago.
    5) Computers in schools policy that didn't factor in installation costs or running costs or upkeep costs when budgeted.
    6)$35 million handout to Toyota, who even said they didn't need it.
    7) Asia Pacific Community that was shot down by none other than Paul Keating and every Asia community.
    8) Nuke Watch, still haven't even convened a meeting.
    9) Water Watch, $50million used to buy empty dams for the Murray Darling.
    10) Applying Blow-torch to oil producing countries, all air, never even said boo to any oil producing nation.
    11) $500 million Green Car Innovation Fund, where the Productivity Commission boss Gary Bunk said it was unlikely to yield significant innovation or greenhouse benefits.
    12) Whale Watch.
    13) Ideas summit, has produced not one single idea that has been acted upon, it was a celebrity shmooze at taxpayer expense.
    14) Luxury car tax, gives tax breaks to old growth loggers but no tax break for country doctors, grocers, posties, newsagents, etc etc.
    15) Medicare Levi increase, designed to give a tax benefit to about 100,000 only problem is over 300,000 pensioners are now worse off.
    16) Alcopops tax, sales of alcopops has eased slightly but sale of straight spirits has risen significantly. Kids are now drinking a larger amount of alcohol.
    17) Fuel Watch.
    18) Grocery Watch.
    19) Swan as Treasurer instead of an articulate, intelligent, brilliant Labor man like Tanner.

    There are probably a few other I have missed but I am extremely excited to see your unbiased take. Should be interesting taking off the Labor coloured glasses for once.

    Remember Dave, an ability to listen is an ability to learn.
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