This information comes from a recent Bloomberg article:...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 53
    This information comes from a recent Bloomberg article: Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates a "global LCOE for onshore wind [of] $55 per megawatt-hour, down 18% from the first six months of [2017], while the equivalent for solar PV without tracking systems is $70 per MWh, also down 18%." Bloomberg does not provide its global public LCOEs for fossil fuels, but it notes in India they are significantly more expensive: "BNEF is now showing benchmark LCOEs for onshore wind of just $39 per MWh, down 46% on a year ago, and for solar PV at $41, down 45%. By comparison, coal comes in at $68 per MWh, and combined-cycle gas at $93."

    So CC aside, if we want reduced costs of electricity, we have to move to more efficient generation, the facts are indisputable. 

    Additionally, large scale construction leads to large scale employment. A major shift in our generation base could be the single biggest source of new construction jobs in this country. Particularly if it occurs on the back of the NBN construction winding down. It would be a brilliant way of transitioning that workforce into continuity of employment.

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