He is a question I would like to add to this subject.What if we...

  1. 35 Posts.
    He is a question I would like to add to this subject.

    What if we are still to this day coming out of the Ice age?

    You and I have not been here long enough to know.

    Previous boogie man syndomes include

    -Global Warming, I mean Climate Change, I mean Carbon Trading Scheme I mean Carbon Tax........

    -WMD's where are they? Oh the Terrorists have them, War on Terror.

    -Y2k wow how could anybody forget that one? opps I forgot a digit....

    -The Russians are coming, quick hide under your school desk so you survive a thermo nuclear explosion....

    Seriously people it will all be here long after you are gone, so why worry about something that is only going to benifit a broke government. And why is the Government allowing several new tennaments to be exploited on the North West Shelf and in Bass Strait. Most of this product is going to China and India, where people who live there have no idea what global warming is.
    As I always say

    "The Darwinian Theory has truely failed us"
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