global warming is fake, page-186

  1. 5,382 Posts.
    G'day Mowibble and all
    Mow, you said - "whilst the primary concern of the AGW lobby is in fact the safety and well being of the planet, and therefore their fellow man."
    Straight out of the agw bible

    Seriously, I generally present scientific evidence that's easily available. The reason I bagged Al Gore is because he is very hypocritical with his private jets etc and he exaggerates A LOT eg even the contrived IPCC paper talked about a "possible" 10 inches of sea level rise, in Al Gore's movie he was talking 20 feet and went on to show a graphic of all the flooded cities. Total nonsense
    He also has a huge vested interest in a carbon tax
    I believed the agw theory when it was first presented but the avalanche of evidence to the contrary I believe is overwhelming, completely.

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