Hi OpalineI see that that you're still going on about a quip....

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Opaline

    I see that that you're still going on about a quip. Did you look it up in the dictionary? If not then why don't you go and do it now. It may ease your worried mind that someone was lying to you.

    "Yes Opaline, I do understand why breathing doesn't add to net atmospheric CO2,it was just a quip, though you did say that you wanted to tax carbon "pollution" not net carbon "pollution"if I may be so pedantic. If we are going
    to be uber pedantic then the farmers who sequester the dreaded CO2 in crops will need to be paid for that act( to offset against production emissions via diesel etc) and it will have to be recovered somewhere and that is, conceivably from us, as final emitters,makes sense, no?"

    Spot the deception.......

    Meanwhile, back in adult world.

    "We have been planting trees on our property for a long time. If you have some socialist agenda to prevent us turning a profit then don't expect much support from this forum."

    I have no problems with anyone planting trees, in fact I think it's a very good thing. Should be more of it. I have no socialist agenda, far from it, which is why I would be opposed to any carbon sequestration programs that merely steal from one person to give to another for some bogus reason such as the planet is warming, and that is a bad thing and I have to give you money to make it go away.

    "You are actually wrong about clouds/steam/water vapour. Superheated steam may be literally red hot but at lower temperatures steam is actually colourless. So is water vapour. The white clouds you mention are aerosols of water droplets dispersed in air. "
    If you want to be pedantic( remember you started it)steam cannot be "literally red hot". Superheated steam is not red.OMG you're lying to me!!!! I feel faint!! (slaps face, comes to LOL).
    I hate to break it to you but the dictionary definition (though why that would be of interest to an AGW enthusiast I have no idea) of steam is thus

    Definition of STEAM

    : a vapor arising from a heated substance
    a : the invisible vapor into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point
    b : the mist formed by the condensation on cooling of water vapour

    As per http://www.merriam-webster.com

    Which means of course that the big white cloudy things that waft out of condenser towers at power stations are..............steam.

    Just a question. You said "However in the quantities we now dump into the atmosphere it is still filth and it is polluting the only atmosphere we have."

    Perhaps it's just warmistas logic but how does one distinguish between a good healthy "natural"politically correct CO2 molecule and a dirty nasty filthy stinking molecule of CO2 produced by say, a car? You say it's in the quantities produced, but if they are identical molecules then how does one determine one from the other, given as you say, that there is a difference?
    Would it matter that the car was being driven to a Greenpeace meeting, or to the pub? I need to know.

    You wouldn't be getting all deceptive on me would ya?? LOL

    Enough fun for now, over to you

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