Could be DaveR. I just love the global warming for sheep media...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Could be DaveR. I just love the global warming for sheep media bulletins.

    This is an interesting weather piece on Atlantis.

    This newsletter discusses the details of something we would not expect - the warm climate of England - along with other information - gives evidence supporting the existence of Atlantis. Of course, the existence of Atlantis is a major tenet of Theosophy

    To show this we need to develop one scientific concept - that of an "isotherm." Imagine some specific point on the surface of the earth. Choose one in the northern hemisphere. We can calculate the average yearly temperature for that point. Sure we may have to set some rules for the calculation but still we can set those rules and make that calculation. Then generally speaking, if we travel north of that point, the average yearly temperature will be colder and if we travel south of that point, the average yearly temperature will be warmer.

    More interesting will be to observe all the points in the northern hemisphere that have that same yearly average temperature. More or less those points will describe a line that goes "horizontally" in an east and westerly direction. Of course the line will not be exactly a straight line. It will be affected by whether the line is going over land or sea, warm water or cold water, and higher or lower landmass. Now here is the big term, that line will be called an "isotherm" for that temperature. "Iso" means "equal" so an "isotherm" line, however wiggly it is, is the line for that one specific temperature. All points on the line have the same average annual temperature.

    Now we can obviously have isotherms for different temperatures. For convenience all the isotherms discussed in this newsletter will be for the temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. After all, the temperature is a meaningful one in nature.

    Next we need to examine the gulf stream in the North Atlantic Ocean.

    For any ocean in the northern hemisphere, the natural direction of the flow of water is clockwise within that ocean. The reason for this is that the earth is rotating from West to East. Naturally the sun rises in the East. While the sun is rising in the East, the earth is rotating underneath the water toward the East. To a person on land, it appears like the water is flowing in the opposite - flowing West. In the Northern Hemisphere this effect is strongest just north of the equator since the equator is moving much faster than the same factors much more to the north. The final result is that the water just north of the equator flows from the East to the West. Because there has to be a cycle, with the water coming from some where and going somewhere, the overall pattern is a clockwise flow of water in the North Atlantic.

    Even more so, "Easterly Trade winds", which move as they do for similar reasons, help blow the water in a westerly direction just north of the equator.

    Hope you are still with me. Now the particulars come into play. The first particular is the Gulf of Mexico. The water flows into the southern portion of the Gulf from the Ocean. The flow is augmented in the Gulf by yet more water that has been flowing up the coast of South America because it has been blown by northern trade winds. "The result is a very powerful current with more water flowing in it than in all the rivers of Earth combined. (The Secret of Atlantis, Otto Muck (pronounced "mook"), p 59)

    In the relatively shallow Gulf, the water warms up. It warms up a lot. Besides, temperature, the water has gained in the Gulf, Halophile blue algea that give it color, along with increased salinity. The overall clockwise rotation causes the water to flow up toward the US and then out to sea. Then comes another interesting particular. The island of Cuba substantially blocks the entrance to the Gulf. The water that managed to squeeze into the Gulf by flowing south of Cuba, now flows out of the Gulf into the ocean by squeezing north of Cuba and south of Florida. That is effectively a narrow pass for the water to travel through. The flow is very fast and becomes effectively a river. It is called the "Gulf Stream." I am told the gulf stream can be seen from land in Florida.

    Because the gulf stream is following an overall clockwise rotation it next flows up the eastern seaboard of the US. By the time it reaches Philadelphia it is still 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The Gulf stream is now a warm blue current that floats on the cool gray waters below. There the Westerly winds drive this current east-northeast into the open ocean heading toward Europe. Some of the current hits Spain, a little less hits France, and some splits Northward and warms the British Isles. The dramatic warm climate of England is definitely due to this gulf stream that had been warmed in slow movement through the Mexican gulf. A few details have been omitted but now you know.

    England grows roses farther north than Canada grows polar bears. In western England during the coldest month the average temperature is 41 degrees. Labrador, at the same latitude, is -50 degrees, a very big difference. But what does this have to do with Atlantis? A good deal.

    For the scientists, we should note the path of the isotherm for freezing. It has a most unusual "zig" in it that reflects the consequences of the Gulf Stream that have just been described. That isotherm is mostly horizontal as it progresses eastward through Canada. When it hits the Atlantic Ocean at Newfoundland it abruptly turns north and reaches the southern tip of Greenland. It continues to rise for a total of some 25 degrees of latitude (!) and does not turn southward until it passes Scandinavia. This isotherm is one more way of describing the effects of the gulf stream and is relevant to what comes next.

    Now for the final bit of information necessary we must turn to the science of paleoclimatology - the study of climate in olden times. This science studies the distribution of pollen and other plants to determine temperature many thousands of years ago. Paleoclimatology produces an isotherm for 32 degrees as it existed 10,000 and more years ago. See page 72 of above quoted book. That isotherm is radically different from the current isotherm. The ancient one does not have the pronouced "zig" upward to the tip of Greenland. That isotherm goes mostly straight across the Atlantic and therefore shows no existence of the Gulf Stream in long ago times.

    As Muck summarizes "This is clear evidence that the Gulf stream cannot have reached Northwest Europe at any time during the quaternary era [ that is before Atlantis, for our purposes]." (p72)

    To restate this: When the mid-Atlantic ridge (the location of Atlantis) was above water it blocked the Gulf Stream from reaching Europe and so the temperatures of Europe were normal. After Atlantis sank - that is, got out of the way - the Gulf Stream flowed to Europe and completely changed it to its current unusually warm temperature pattern. So the contrast of ancient and modern isotherms vividly proves the major alteration in landmass in the middle of the Atlantic.

    At the moment, the talk list at BN is discussing cycles. Thought you might like to see how a cycle of water in the "big pond" adds yet more supportive evidence to the prior existence of Atlantis.
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