starless galaxy found-wonderful news

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    Could this be the end of Hollywood (Stars)??

    February 24, 2005

    Starless Galaxy Said Found

    Astronomers announced yesterday that they have discovered what is believed to be the first dark galaxy ever detected, a starless mass of spinning matter located some 50 million light-years away in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
    The initial sighting of this invisible object came in 2000, from radio wave observations made using the Lovell telescope in Cheshire, England, which sketched a cloud of hydrogen atoms a million times the mass of the sun rotating in the Virgo cluster. Subsequent data from Puerto Rico's Arecibo radio telescope confirmed the existence of the object, dubbed VIRGOHI21. "From the speed it is spinning, we realized that VIRGOHI21 was a thousand times more massive than could be accounted for by the observed hydrogen atoms alone," comments co-discoverer Robert Minchin of Cardiff University. This suggests that abundant dark matter is lurking in the cloud. "If it were an ordinary galaxy, then it should be quite bright and would be visible with a good amateur telescope," he continues. Previous claims for dark galaxies have crumbled after observations using optical telescopes ultimately revealed resident stars. But scrutinizing the region using the optical Isaac Newton telescope in La Palma, Spain, the team did not spot any such signs of the ordinary.

    Researchers have predicted the existence of unseen galaxies in recent years, based on indications that the universe contains far more matter than the visible variety can account for. Indeed, the astronomers involved in this new work note that future surveys may well turn up many more dark galaxies. "The universe has all sorts of secrets still to reveal to us, but this shows that we are beginning to understand how to look at it in the right way," remarks team member Jon Davies, also at Cardiff University. "It's a really exciting discovery." A report detailing these findings will be published in the Astrophysical Journal. --Kate Wong

    Comments from an my 'mail box'

    Could this be the beginning of the scientific evidence beginning to pile up
    that will eventually verify the holographically unified ABC hyperspace field
    theory/model -- that almost exactly conforms with the theosophical metaphysics
    outlined in the *Secret Doctrine* along with the formulas in the *Book of
    Dzyan* (that underlie all Eastern philosophical systems of Cosmogenesis and the
    relationship between consciousness and matter) -- and which is also consistent
    with relativity and quantum field theories as synthesized within the latest
    versions of superstring/M-brane and string field theories of Kaku. Greene, etc.,
    and hinted at by the "holographic paradigm" and "implicate-explicate order"
    concepts of Bohm, Pribram, etc.?

    Incidentally, ABC theory predicts dark field galaxies and star systems that
    are analogous and corresponding to the light field systems of our visible
    universe... Also, in contrast to most scientific approaches to a unified field
    theory of everything, the ABC model, which is based on deductive reasoning
    starting from fundamental principles, fully resolves the relationship as well as the
    separation between consciousness and matter... i.e.; It sees them as the
    fundamental dual aspects of the motionless or static zero-point of Absolute or
    primal Space (as the source of awareness and intent or will) and its eternally
    moving or dynamic surrounding "Spinergy" or G-force (as the source of all
    substance or matter/energy) -- by connecting them, holistically, through the
    fractally descending (frequency-energy) orders of inductively resonant hyperspace (or
    "Astral") fields that, through coenergetic relationships, fill the "vacuum"
    of the Planck distance (in metric space) between all fundamental quantum
    particles and the ubiquitous zero-point of Absolute Space. Such fields, in turn,
    resonate analogously with the holographic em "image" fields of the brain to
    serve as the link between awareness/intent and the senses and neural kinesthetic
    control mechanisms of the body.

    This system/process -- coenergetically linking the holographic
    electromagnetic field of the brain with the higher order fields of consciousness
    (mind-memory, etc.) -- also confirms the possibility of all psi phenomena as well as both
    the non location of consciousness throughout the entire universe... And may
    account for the entanglement of all corresponding particles or energy packets
    surrounding each zero-point of consciousness... Thus, fully resolving the hard
    problems of explaining both qualia (or the experience of consciousness) and
    brain-mind binding (that has baffled science since it became separated from
    philosophy for the past few hundred years). In addition, it modifies information
    theory by separating the "contents of consciousness" from its "experience" ...
    i.e., By allocating the "images" of perception to the wave interference
    patterns of energy on the surface of the "coadunate but not consubstantial"
    hyperspace fields, and allocating the awareness-will functions of consciousness to
    their zero-points of origination in the Planck vacuum -- empowered by their
    surrounding "spinergy" of infinite momenta and referenced to the static "laya"
    point of Absolute space -- which is everywhere.

    If so, then the fractal involution (like bubbles within bubbles within
    bubbles. etc.) of the "coadunate but not consubstantial fields of consciousness"
    emanated out of the initial "spinergy" ("abstract motion, infinite angular
    momentum" or G-force) surrounding the ubiquitous (non local) zero-point of Absolute
    space -- exactly reflected in the dark matter/substance fields and linked
    together by the dual positive-negative (attractive-repulsive) force of gravity --
    is the only way the Cosmos could cyclically manifest, involve, evolve and
    devolve, while maintaining eternal existence (Brahma's lifetime per the Vedic
    interpretation) in relative harmony and balance between one Manvantara/Pralaya
    (waking /sleeping) period and another.

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