hey Hinchmate im only relatively new to HC, but so far i have...

  1. 90 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    hey Hinch

    mate im only relatively new to HC, but so far i have LOVED what ive seen the likes of yourself and pinto sharing. i am always for a civilised discussion where multiple perspectives can be shared

    i mean absolutely NO malice in this and i am in NO way 'teaming' up with pinto or taking a 'side'

    i graduated from a catholic all boys highschool in 2015, and in the 5 years (i did year 8-12) i was there, i can say, with hand on heart, i 100% noticed a change in respect between senior student and junior student.

    1 example i love to tell is the rubbish pick up:

    In year 8, if a senior was walking past your lunch area and noticed you had left litter under your table or something, theyd likely instruct you to pick it up and dispose of it...

    now if you were in grade 8 and a senior (year 12) boy asked you to do this and you DIDNT, you would (depending on the relationship you had with said senior) sometimes cop a verbal spray, followed up by - "if i come back past here and you still havent picked it up ill have to speak with mr. such n such."

    now obviously this is because as a younger child i may not have understood the importance of ensuring my rubbish is correctly thrown away (not intentionally/accidentally left on the ground)
    or i was just lazy, im not sure. either way i needed that extra bit of a push to get my head thinking- as did pretty much 90% of the grade.
    we are adolescents, we dont give a f* about rubbish, we are trying to figure out what pubes are and if the girl at the end of the street likes me or not lol....

    my parents taught me to listen to my elders, regardless of what i think, being curios isnt being disrespectful, but tell me Hinch, what is there to understand about:

    doing your homework

    putting your rubbish in the bin

    ensuring socks re always pulled up and uniform is to code

    speaking respectfully to teachers and the students who have gone before you

    not bullying a fellow class mate

    making sure you arent playing games on your laptop

    making sure you arent distracting others in class

    there are a plethora of things to add to that list and i dont necessarily think its the education system at fault.

    but to think respect is still as it was is simply not the case.

    your point regarding pay is 100% on the money, teachers are our kids' second parents. for some children its the only real rolemodel in their life.

    the other point mentioned, regarding teaching conditions also stands true with my experience at school. ive witness students harrass and bully a teacher. throw handfuls of nails from woodwork classes at the teacher while they are standing at the front of the class.

    teachers that hate kids suck, but teachers that love kids and teaching, who are pushed away by poor disciplinary processes sucks worse.

    CANNOT wait to hear back from you hinch.

    love the thread, keep it coming baby
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