god and communication, page-147

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    lol...its Bowral

    the Bible itself shows the brutality of 'God'

    are you denying this?

    xddzx,firstly depriving himself of love

    many believe love is to have sex with another or to be affirmed by another

    but real love is actually the motivation that wants life to be free from suffering

    for example, if we are sick & take ourselves to a doctor, this is the work of love

    when a person can free their life from suffering, love is complete

    real love is to raise people up into spiritual independence

    and being to selfish to look after anothers needs and share love and self sacrifice for another human being, by making himself celebrate to satisfy his own selfish needs, which makes him feel enlightened

    the above must be written by a hater of Christianity. for example, Jesus was not married. Paul recommended people not to marry. Jesus said those in the kingdom of heaven will not marry

    but Bowral seems to hate the kingdom of heaven. this is because he obviously does not know what it is

    as for ordinary human relationships, they are two people living in co-dependency, like two people on life support, facing inevitable spiritual death, like the Federal Reserve kicking the can down the road

    such people have not developed the height of love, which is to embrace real freedom. however, they are doing their best, based on how God (nature) made them

    Buddha, like Paul, explained 'ordinary people' need relationships because God has not gifted them with the fullness of the Holy Spirit

    whilst all of this is OK, the mysteries of religion are not for ordinary people

    Jesus said the road to life is narrow & few will find it

    therefore, I am not sure if Bowral's post is inspired by the Bible or, instead, inspired by Cosmopolitan or Playboy magazine?

    Why if we are all insignificant, would he want to take away hope from those who seek comfort in so called fairy tales?

    my reply was to an atheist, Ozeb, and not to a Xian

    if you actually had faith, how could I take away your hope?

    however, this is a secular discussion forum. you post here at your own risk of being unbrainwashed (deconditioned) by ddzx

    in reality, 'hope' is the cause of suffering. 'hope' arises from ignorance of reality.

    the awakened do not live with hopes & dreams but according to what is possible

    seeing oneself is insignificant aligns with reality & ends ego & selfishness, which ends suffering, which the supreme freedom & peace (happiness)

    Why would he continually go on about bush and co etc, because being a "scientific atheist" whats it matter? there is no ultimate being, which means there is no ultimate right or wrong anyway, and we are all just insignificant anyway, truth is just subjective to the individual anyway

    wrong. very wrong.

    there is right & wrong. 'right' leads to peace. 'wrong' leads to suffering

    Buddha explained the path is 3-fold: (i) non-harming; (ii) kingdom of heaven development (spiritual love & meditation jhana); (iii) liberating wisdom (realising insignificance)

    if all people realised the ultimate insignificance of their lives, they would not quarrel or make war; they would not do bad things

    but now, those that believe their life is significant - so significant that they will be reborn after death in heaven because Jesus or Allah loves them - these are the people that are always fighting in wars

    this fact, again, as always, shows why ddzx is right & Bowral is gravely wrong

    but Bowral is a heretic

    Bowral, like Adam & Eve, disobeys God

    to believe one is "significant" is the knowledge of "good"

    to believe insignificance is "evil" is the knowledge of "evil"

    these are both sins against God

    God said from the dust you were made & from the dust you will return

    this is insignificance. this is peaceful acceptance of reality. this is the highest humility & peaceful acceptance, which is the highest happiness

    but now, Bowral believes orgasms & fondling women's breasts are the highest happiness

    whilst this is OK for ordinary worldly people, in the eyes of Christ, it is not the Kingdom of Heaven

    as for those murdered & enslaved by Bush, ultimately, this is insignificance, in the big picture. lives come & go, as they have done over billions of years.

    but Bush only murders & enslaves because Bush perceives all manner of things as 'significant', just like Xians & MusXlims have wars because they believe they & their Xod is significant

    but those that realise life is insignificant, also see & feel in their hearts the pain of all of this unnecessary killing by Xian Crusaders, like Bush, and MusXlim Jihadists, like whoever

    why should life forms, although ultimately insignificant, scream with pain & terror from the Crusader weapons of mass destruction when, instead, they could live their insignificant lives with peace?

    this is why we disagree with Xian Crusaders like Bush.

    they are fighting for nothing

    thus Buddha said:

    There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels.

    Eat drink be merry, for tomorrow we die

    this statement is false. eating drinking & merriment is not peace; it is not freedom; it is not liberation

    Jesus did not urge others to eat, drink & be merry over worldly pleasures

    Our brother and peddler of misery

    the idea of death & insignificance is misery for children that believe the parents buying them toys & things is "love". the New Testament called this "worldliness"

    for Bowral, the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven have not been revealed to him.

    all the best
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