god and communication, page-31

  1. RM
    7,470 Posts.
    Jesus laid down his eternal privileges to serve and he did that voluntarily. There can be no dispute with that.

    the greek word used is morphe for form of God, the same used for servant.

    The problem to deny God you deny Jesus becoming a servant.

    Then you have the issue of a mere creature thinking that not seeking equality with God as a humble act. Really that is like a ball boy believing he is being humble at Wimbeldon by not taking the serve for Roger Federer for the Grand Slam title. I dont think so..

    Highly incoherent to attribute an act of not defying God by a creature as an act of Humility. Pure nonsense, you are forced into an eisegesis to counter the claim of divinity but upholding servant hood. You then must believe a spirit being is performing a humble act by not attempting a coup d'etat on God...Again Really from just a mere spirit being.

    Then to put the nail in the coffin with respects to Orthodoxy the passage not quoted for Manny written by St Paul that every knee shall bend to Jesus in heaven and earth.

    Paul's OT quote draws a parallel in Isaiah 45;23.

    Isaiah 45:23

    New International Version (NIV)

    23 By myself I have sworn,
    my mouth has uttered in all integrity
    a word that will not be revoked:
    Before me every knee will bow;
    by me every tongue will swear.

    And who is the subject that every knee will bow

    Isaiah 45:21

    New International Version (NIV)

    21 Declare what is to be, present it—
    let them take counsel together.
    Who foretold this long ago,
    who declared it from the distant past?
    Was it not I, the Lord?
    And there is no God apart from me,
    a righteous God and a Savior;
    there is none but me.

    That is Yahweh or Jehovah God Mr Gordon the same as I showed you in your New World Translation of Hebrews Chapter 1 v10-12 identifying Jesus as Jehovah God in Pslam 102 v25-27. Remember the teachings I gave you that made you go all quiet.

    So paul quotes from this passage and says it is to Jesus that every knee shall bow but in Isaiah it is to Yahweh or Jehovah God in your lexicon.

    Mr G what does Saint Paul mean when he says to the Glory of God the Father is this polytheism...well you know Christianity is monotheistic so there is only one God and no other whether with a Big G or little g, almighty or mighty. that is your henotheism not the Christian Monotheism

    What this teaches it that both the Father and Son are worthy of the name Yahweh...just like in your Bible when I taught you the writer of Hebrews identifying Jesus as Jehovah God in the NWT.

    But look at the way Saint Paul writes this passage the Carmen Christi in no way is the Father slighted who like the Son shares the same name Yahweh. To bow the knee to the Son all in heaven and earth and in the ground is to bow to Yahweh.

    The glorification of the Son results in the glorification of the Father as well.

    Mr G I forgot to mention to you last month I had one of your JW mates come knocking on the door. I got them to whip out the NWT and used another passage not the Hebrews Chp 1 Psalms 102 nor the carmen christi

    This guys response once I showed him in the NWT Jesus identified as Jehovah God was....."this cant be the Son" priceless moment.

    He actually had his mouth open and I used my thumb on his chin to close it, I think I may have knocked off one of your door knockers. Sorry :)

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