God: Fact or fiction?, page-27

  1. 5,714 Posts.
    take the Russian Orthodox Church. if the Tsars ruled Russia according to moral principles, could the Jew-Commies have caused revolution in Russia?

    take the English Churches. if the English ruled according to moral principles, then the exploitation of the Industrial Revolution would not have occurred to fuel Rabbi Marx's Marxism

    When someone has a lust for power no matter what if they can get it they will, church or no church

    the 1st time a Pope spoke about Capitalism vs Communism, they were at least 100 years too late

    oh is that so, matter of fact catholic social teaching against the concept of communism was expressed about 70 years before it came to be

    See the problem here is I'm dealing with a pre-conceived mindset and personal opinion not reality . sorry

    Opposition to Socialism and Communism in Catholic social teaching had already been expressed in the teachings of popes since the encyclicals Nostis et nobiscum (1849), Quanta cura (1864), and Rerum novarum (1891).
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